Friday, May 31, 2013

3D Printing and Firearms

3D printing is becoming cheaper and more available to the average person. Blueprints for 3D models can be either created using programs and websites or they can be acquired by downloading them from certain websites. The widespread availability of 3D printers and the blueprints needed for them has lead to a concern that guns and gun parts could be easily and discreetly made by downloading precise blueprints from the internet and printing them out. This would make it easier for the average person to acquire a firearm without a license. Not only would a normal person be able to print parts for the gun itself, but magazines as well. Laws preventing large magazines would be much harder to enforce when people could print magazines holding far more bullets than legal. Something like printing firearm parts would be difficult for the government to prevent as long as 3D printers remain available to the public. This is a link for a CNN article and video on a pistol made from a 3D printer.

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